Pint AI Product Update: Week 1

Say hello to Pint AI!

Hi there!

This is the first weekly product update from us at Pint AI. Every week, we'll take you through the progress we've made, features we're thinking about, the strategic direction we have planned, and everything else up on the journey to launch.

Before we dig in, I'd just like to thank you — for not just your interest in our work, but your support, excitement, and offer of helping us grow. Through the next few months, you'll have a priority say in the product offering, you'll be able to validate the tech, direct the UI, and test the MVP. We, at Pint AI, are truly passionate about the ad sector and the problems we're faced with today, and we're super grateful for your support in turning our idea into something worthwhile!

Now, let's jump right in.

A Quick Recap

Pint AI is a creative intelligence and reporting tool. Our aim is to tell you which elements within an ad creative are driving conversions. Using this creative element level analysis, the questions that you will be able to answer include:

  • Should the ad's subject look directly at the camera?
  • Does opening with branding improve performance, as compared to closing with branding?
  • Which colors are the most effective at improving performance?

and many more.

There are 3 primary actionable outputs from this: daily insights on applicable creative changes for live campaigns, creative briefs for new cycles of production, and reports to keep all stakeholders in the loop.

Creative Elements List

In our previous conversation with you, we mentioned that we were making a list of the creative elements we will be tracking. For the past week, we worked on compiling this list, which is a result of multiple conversations, our own research, and tech feasibility.

This list is a starting point for us to figure out the most important elements that we need to work on first.

Now this is by no means a complete list — we are still filling up some columns and might add/remove some elements as well. And that's where we'd love your first bit of help as a design partner!

Here's the creative element list:

Whenever you have some time, please do go through it — you can mark out the elements that don't make sense to you, the ones that are super integral, or if we're missing something.

In other aspects, we're beginning to build a POC of our database structure; the aim is simple here — to structure our database in the simplest, most efficient manner. This will be the foundation for how we retrieve the required data. We're spending some time on this, experimenting with a couple of different structures, and working out the best option for us.

And that's it for Week 1 of our product updates! Do write to me with any ideas, critiques, or doubts that you might have regarding the creative element list. You can simply reply to this mail for the same, or you can also reach out to Swagam at

Thanks once again, and have a great weekend ahead!

Sourya Reddy
Co-founder, Pint AI