Pint AI Product Update: Week 2

A sneak peak at our content themes

Hey there!

We're back with our second round of updates for the past week. For the new members on our list, you can check out our previous update — which includes a list of all the creative elements we will be tracking — on this link here.

Here's what we've been working on in the past week:

Technical Progress

A big chunk of our time went into finalizing how our algorithm would be able to track each creative element, tag them, and then calculate their performance.

Thanks to your help, we were able to prioritize which creative elements we should start working on.

We've finalized how we'll be tracking the following:

  • Branding: Looking at where a logo is positioned in a frame, the duration it's on screen for and when it comes on screen.
  • Messaging: This has everything to do with the text on screen — things like text size, density, words per second, CTA positioning, and more.
  • Faces: What direction should the face be looking? What emotions work better? Is the face (or faces) there throughout the length of the video?
  • Colors: Understanding the primary and secondary colors used, the saturation, temperature, and color contrast.
  • Video Segmentation: Breaking down a video by the duration, the cut frequency, and shot detection (start, end and duration).

During this current week, we'll be working on Audio analysis as well. With that, we should be done with the first list of elements. By done, I mean our technical framework of what to calculate and how; the actual implementation of this will start this week too!

Ad Content Themes

Another list we compiled is our ad content theme list. This covers the different kinds of ad content that are popularly used, like comparison content (us vs them), educational (how-to tutorials), UGC content, and more. We've also put together a small calendar that lists the days that are important for a brand's marketing operations.

What will we use this for?

This will help us build a tagging system for your ads; eventually, you should be able to look at things like how your mid-funnel how-to tutorials have been performing during winter, and which elements have been driving conversions in these ads.

This is again where we'll be asking for your help: if you could go through the list and let us know if we've missed out on any ad content format or important calendar day, or if we're adding too much, we'll be super grateful.

And that's all for this round of updates! As always, if you have any comments, questions or ideas, you can write in by replying to this email! You can also reach out to Swagam at

Have a great week ahead!

Sourya Reddy
Co-founder, Pint AI