Pint AI Product Updates: Week 15

Finalizing a release schedule

Hello hello!

This week's updates are super short:

A. We've finalized a release schedule

The tool will be released in three parts, with each part being 'complete' and having different groups of functionalities. The three parts have been decided by balancing the requirements of users and the complexity involved.

In next week's updates, we'll give you the dates we're aiming for.

B. Front-end development is on course!

Our front-end for version 1 is progressing quite fast; more than making it look nice, we've focused more on the UX of it all. By the time the third release happens, we'll aim to make it look and work great. Currently, we're done with:

  • Onboarding ✅
  • Meta Ad account connections ✅
  • Settings ✅
  • Elements listing ✅
  • Elements details ✅

C. Our internal dashboard is running constantly

If you remember, a couple of weeks ago I shared some screenshots and short videos showing you our internal dashboard. Bar some formatting changes, the dashboard is now our go-to, to check performance and maintenance of our element identification algorithms.

We're analyzing hundreds of creatives for one of our design partners; we're running this constantly so we can catch any false positives and negatives and tighten the algorithms further.

Over the course of this month, we'll be reaching out to you (if we haven't already set up a call!), to show this to you and get your feedback about the data we're receiving, learn how you would read and use this information and add things that we may have missed out.

And that's all for this edition of updates; short and sweet haha!

Until next time!

Sourya Reddy
Co-founder, Pint AI