Pint AI Product Updates: Week 6

An intro to our product design approach

Hey there!

6 weeks in, it feels like we're moving much faster than ever. From product design to pre-launch marketing, it feels like there is a lot that's happening.

Product Design

Our approach to designing our product is a little different; we're not developing one MVP with all the basic features for people to try. Instead, we're taking a much more granular mode.

We're building and adding to our MVP over time. What does this mean?

Basically, we're going at this one brick at a time and simultaneously testing each brick. For example, on our backend, we've just gotten done with identifying and collecting hooks from a given set of creatives. This is just one of the many different kinds of analysis that we will be putting together.

As soon as this process is given a quick, simple front-end, we'll roll it out to some of you to test! This will help us get feedback in a much narrower context, and design the final tool with valuable information from the foundational level.

We also decided on this method because we've seen that once a feature-heavy MVP is rolled out, getting feedback on the whole thing can be a task. It's also too much to ask users to go through the whole thing and give feedback. And so, this is the way we'll do it, brick by brick.

By next week, we'll be making some basic features and analysis available to some of you!

Outreach: Building Email Campaigns

Till now, we've primarily used LinkedIn sales navigator as our tool for outreach, and it's been great. Especially for the stage that we were at a month or two back, where the larger aim was to understand the depth of the problem we wanted to solve.

Now, we're quite confident of what we're solving and how. And at this stage, the sole marketing objective is to get more people on our waitlist. For this, LinkedIn is quite limiting due to hard restrictions on the number of connect requests you can send in a week; the number ranges between 120-150. That's far too low for us now. So I guess this is where the experimentation starts!

We've had some success with email campaigns in the past, so our first attempt will be this. We're using, a lead-gen tool that's purpose-built for sales teams. In our case, our objectives will be to get a call with the target and add them to the waitlist.

We'll be launching a trial campaign this week, so fingers crossed!

If you have any advice on what to do, or what not to do with email campaigns (or boosting our pre-launch waitlist), we would love to hear it! You can just reply to this email—it goes straight to my inbox—or reach out to Swagam at

Until next time!

Sourya Reddy
Co-founder, Pint AI