Pint AI Product Updates: Week 9

Explaining the roadmap

Hello hello!

We're going to keep this update short and sweet. We'll just run you through how we're building out Pint AI, the exact roadmap, and the different stages at which we will be giving access to try things.

The Roadmap

The following is the order in which we'll be developing:

Note: We will be building, iterating and releasing a set/group of features at a time, which will then be handed over to our design partners for testing. 

  • Onboarding + Account linking flow
  • Settings (organization, workspace, team)
  • Elements page (core elements) — Release to design partners 🔄
  • Elements page (custom elements) — Release to design partners
  • Top Performing Boards — Release to design partners
  • Comparison Boards — Release to design partners
  • All boards + Overview page
  • Reports page (saved reports + sharing) — Release to design partners

All these points are different groups/sets of features; within each group, there are a large list of tasks that need to be done to mark each group as done.

Regarding testing, while we will be aiming to test at the level of these different groups, we might also test a smaller subset, depending on the complexity.

For example, currently, under Elements Page (core elements), we're almost done tackling the subset of Themes and Hooks. After this, we will be looking at other elements under copy strategy, messaging, people and emotions and so on. So once we're done with a complex subset, we will request testing on that front as well!

This way, we understand which kinds of analyses are working and which ones need more work.

Lastly, just because one group is done doesn't mean we won't revisit it to make it better! After the testing is done, we will use gathered feedback at each level to further refine the requirements under the groups, and thus, restart the cycle of development and optimization.

We're really excited because we're super close to beginning testing. There have been a couple of challenges with the account integrations, but those have been solved and things are smooth now.

The coming days are going to be hectic and fun; the lead-up to showing you bits of what we have is exciting and nerve-wracking 😅

Have a great end of the week!

Sourya Reddy
Co-founder, Pint AI